Friday, April 25, 2008
Paper is no longer the most important artistic medium in my life - though I do love it dearly. So Paper Treasures is not really the best title for my blog.
I will keep this blog up for a short while, but eventually it will be deleted. My new blog is here http:/
So hopefully I will see you there...
Rosie x
Monday, April 21, 2008
Presents from afar...

Greetings Bloggers, I have been the worst blogger in the world just lately and was feeling dreadfully guilty that I had not written anything since Easter. That really is shameful!
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Rabbits and stuff
My mum was telling me about the two Sylvac rabbits on the tray, she remembered going to buy them in 1936 from Cole Brothers - which is now John Lewis, but will always be called Cole Brothers by most Sheffield people. She bought three rabbits, one of which broke a long time ago. Though when I was a little girl, I do remember there being 3 of them, sitting on the shelf above the stairs.
We had a lovely Easter, just the three of us - mum, my hubby John and myself - lots of nice food, saturday night dinner with friends, and guess what... NO CHOCOLATE! I actually didn't really miss it, since being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes I have weaned myself off the stuff, though now and again I do treat myself with a couple of chocolate digestives.
Over the weekend I have been crocheting, trying to work out some patterns of my own, not actually done any of my own before, and have found it quite satisfying. Anyway I seem to have come up with a rabbit, well more or less, just faffing about with his body and will let you see him/her as soon as its finished.
Hopefully if the weather is nice next weekend, we will go adventuring into Derbyshire to take some pics. I really need to get to grips with my Nikon D40.
Sorry no photos today, but who knows, maybe later...
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Friday, March 14, 2008
When I'm feeling blue...

I take a look at these photographs. This is Kuramathi Island in the Maldives, and hubster and I spent a wonderful week there a few years ago.
It was my very first beach holiday and we took a ton of books with us. It was so relaxing, we would

We found this little fellow, just minding his own business, he showed such wonderful colours.
The Indian ocean was incredible, warm, and full of life. This heron stayed with us all morning, wandering up and down the beach, we got very close to him and he really didn't care. For some reason he seemed much friendlier than the herons we got in our garden.
You can ignore the generously proprtioned woman in the photo, she's alot smaller these days. Yes thats me standing outside the wonderful chalet that we occupied on the island. so when I am blue, I think of all the wonderful flowers, the sunshine, the cooling drinks the cute barman made for us. The fabulous ocean, and the tippy toe crabs on the beach. One day I would love to go again, but right now its my dream place.
I have been crocheting again, making embellishments for pillowcases and towels and if i don't get too bored, bed sheets. Will show pics when finished. Here are a couple of bags and other bits I made recently.
These are the inside of the bags, lined with pretty lavender and pansy material.
Thanks for looking, see you all soon.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
I have been tagged!